University elective course

Module II

„Pilot project: The Holocaust in the educational system of Bosnia and Herzegovina“

Part: “The first university elective course about the Holocaust”

During the winter semester 2014/15 at the History Department of the Philosophical Faculty at the University of Tuzla students of 3rd and 4th year were participating in the project visting the elective course “After the traces of our neighbors: Jews in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Holocaust” as part of their official studing programme.

The supervisor of the elective course was history professor prof. dr. Izet Šabotić, who was conducting the course together with DI Mag. Anisa Hasanhodžić and prof. hist. Rifet Rustemović. The elective course consisted of 15 lessons during the semester, each lesson 1,5 hours. The course had innovative aspect in terms that many guest lecturers, Holocaust experts and university professors from German, Austria and Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the members of the Jewish community of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Holocaust survivors were presenting their contribution to the course subject, which covered the Jewish history in Bosnia and Herzegovina chronologically on one hand including the component of Jewish life with others, with their Muslim, Orthodox and Catholic neighbors, and on the other hand, has included the European chalenges regarding the Holocaust remembrance activities expecially within the educational system.

A special case was the excursion to the places of memory (e.g. place where once the Ashkenazi synagogue stood in Tuzla and the building which prior to the Holocaust was used as a Sephardic synagogue and centre, places where the Jewish stores were, the places from where the Jews were deported from Tuzla – now there is a memorial plaque). During the walk the group of students was informed by Ms. Hasanhodžić and Mr. Rustemović about the history of these places, about the Jewish culture, about the Jewish neighborhood in Tuzla.

The students have also worked on preparing the project photo-exhibition during the two lectures (2 X 1,5 h). They were supervised by Ms. Hasanhodžić and Mr. Rustemović. They prepared the panels for the city of Tuzla together with the supervisors.

The course was held in English and Bosnian. All the lectures were also publicly announced in the city of Tuzla by posters of which each was specially designed to represent the specific topic of the lecturer guest.

More information about the elective course lectures and lecturers can be seen here:



IZBORNI PREDMET: „Tragovima naših komšija: Jevreji u Bosni i Hercegovini i holokaust”[1]

Tabelarni pregled termina predavanja u okviru izbornog predmeta

Rezultati prvog ispitnog roka (klikni ovdje) – exam results

Obavijest o drugom ispitnom terminu – exam terms

Preuzmi katalog pitanja za ispit – exam questions



DatumOkvirna tema predavanjaPredavači/Gosti
Petak, 19.09.2014. u 12 h
učionica br. 105
Uvod u izborni predmet

Memory and the Holocaust: local, regional and transnational remembrance activities - European experiences

(Sjećanje i holokaust: Lokalne, regionalne i transnacionalne aktivnosti sjećanja – europska iskustva)
(predavanje na eng. i njem.)
prof. dr. Izet ŠABOTIĆ

Prof. Dr. Heidemarie UHL, voditeljica projekta, Akademija nauka Republike Austrije i Univerzitet Beč

DI Mag. Anisa HASANHODŽIĆ i prof.hist. Rifet RUSTEMOVIĆ, Akademija nauka Republike Austrije
15:30 h
učionica br. 105
Holokaust u Evropi i Bosni i Hercegovini – kratak uvod

Sjećanje na Jevreje grada Tuzle
DI Mag. Anisa HASANHODŽIĆ i prof.hist.
Rifet RUSTEMOVIĆ, Akademija nauka Republike Austrije
10:45 h 105
Život Jevreja u Bosni i Hercegovini prije i poslije holokausta
Jakob FINCI, predsjednik Jevrejske zajednice u Bosni i Hercegovini
15:30 h 105
Holokaust u Bosni i Hercegovini: značaj i uloga arhivskih institucija

(predavanje pomjereno za 27.11.2014)
prof. dr. Izet ŠABOTIĆ, Univerzitet u Tuzli

DI Mag. Anisa HASANHODŽIĆ i prof.hist. Rifet RUSTEMOVIĆ, Akademija nauka Republike Austrije
15:30 h 105
"Holokaust u Bosni i Hercegovini: značaj i uloga obrazovnih institucija"

Život Jevreja u Bosni i Hercegovini prije i poslije holokausta
prof. dr. Sead SELIMOVIĆ, Univerzitet u Tuzli

DI Mag. Anisa HASANHODŽIĆ i prof.hist. Rifet RUSTEMOVIĆ, Akademija nauka Republike Austrije
15:30 h 105
Život Jevreja u Bosni i Hercegovini u periodu između dva svjetska rataprof. dr. Adnan JAHIĆ, Univerzitet u Tuzli

DI Mag. Anisa HASANHODŽIĆ i prof.hist. Rifet RUSTEMOVIĆ, Akademija nauka Republike Austrije
15:30 h 105
Pravednici među narodima iz Bosne i Hercegovineprof. dr. Izet ŠABOTIĆ

dr. Eli TAUBER, savjetnik za kulturu Jevrejske zajednice u Bosni i Hercegovini i autor knjige “Kada su komšije bili ljudi” (2010)

DI Mag. Anisa HASANHODŽIĆ i prof.hist. Rifet RUSTEMOVIĆ, Akademija nauka Republike Austrije
15:30 h 105
Holokaust u Bosni i Hercegovini: Sjećanje i multikulturalizamDr. Željko DRAGIĆ, historičar, bosanski Jevrej iz Njemačke

DI Mag. Anisa HASANHODŽIĆ i prof.hist. Rifet RUSTEMOVIĆ, Akademija nauka Republike Austrije
15:30 h 105
The Holocaust and governmental policies in Europe (eng.)

Holokaust i državne politike u Europi (bos).
Prof. Dr. Walter MANOSCHEK, stručnjak za holokaust, Univerzitet u Beču, Fakultet društvenih nauka, Institut za nauku o državi/političke nauke

DI Mag. Anisa HASANHODŽIĆ i prof.hist. Rifet RUSTEMOVIĆ, Akademija nauka Republike Austrije
15:30 h 105
Holokaust u Bosni i Hercegovini: priče preživjelih

Transkript predavanja

Inserti iz dokumentarnog filma "Greta" (recenzija).
Danilo NIKOLIĆ, Sarajevo

DI Mag. Anisa HASANHODŽIĆ i prof.hist. Rifet RUSTEMOVIĆ, Akademija nauka Republike Austrije
15:30 h 105
Holokaust u Bosni i Hercegovini: značaj i uloga arhivskih institucija

Grupni rad sa studentima, priprema izložbe slika: Izgubljeni u holokaustu – Jevrejski komšiluci u Bosni i Hercegovini
prof. dr. Izet ŠABOTIĆ, Univerzitet u Tuzli

DI Mag. Anisa HASANHODŽIĆ i prof.hist. Rifet RUSTEMOVIĆ, Akademija nauka Republike Austrije
15:30 h 105

(pomjereno za i održano 17.12. 13:00-14:30 h)
Holokaust u Bosni i Hercegovini i politika (ne)sjećanjaprof. dr. Husnija KAMBEROVIĆ, direktor Instituta za istoriju u Sarajevu i profesor savremene historije na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu
15:30 h 105
Teaching about the Holocaust in different education systems (eng.)

Podučavanje o holokaustu u različitim obrazovnim sistemima (bhs)

Holokaust u Bosni i Hercegovini: značaj i uloga obrazovnih institucija

Holocaust education in a global context (UNESCO, 2014)
Dr. Falk PINGEL, Institut Georg-Eckert za međunarodno izučavanje školskih udžbenika u Njemačkoj i predstavnik austrijske vladine organizacije „“ za obrazovanje o holokaustu i genocidu

DI Mag. Anisa HASANHODŽIĆ i prof.hist. Rifet RUSTEMOVIĆ, Akademija nauka Republike Austrije
15:30 h 105
Holokaust u Bosni i Hercegovini: Sjećanje i multikulturalizamprof.dr.Enes KARIĆ, Fakultet islamskih nauka, Sarajevo, prevoditelj knjige “Sarajevska ruža: Bilješke o Jevrejima na Balkanu” na bosanski jezik
Održano: srijeda, 17.12.2014
Grupni rad sa studentima, priprema izložbe slika: Izgubljeni u holokaustu – Jevrejski komšiluci u Bosni i HercegoviniDI Mag. Anisa HASANHODŽIĆ i prof.hist. Rifet RUSTEMOVIĆ, Akademija nauka Republike Austrije
Termin za ispit:
08. januar u 10:30 h, učionica 105.