Banja Luka

Book presentation in Banja Luka

About the event


The event took place in the Jewish cultural center “Arie Livne” in Banja Luka, on May 18, 2015, at 16 o’clock. This book presentation was organized by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, the Archives of the Tuzla Canton, the Archives of the Republika Srpska and the Jewish cultural center “Arie Livne” from Banja Luka. Please find here the event invitation and announcing poster.

The event was moderated by the director of the Archives of Republika Srpska mr. sc. Bojan Stojnić.

Before the official start of the book presentation, Mr. Arie Livne, a 93-year-old Holocaust survivor and a benefactor of the “Arie Livne” Jewish cultural centre in Banja Luka has welcomed the visitors of the event.

The speekers at the book presentation were:

– Mr. sc. Omer Zulić, the director of the Archives of the Tuzla Canton

– Prof. dr. Izet Šabotić, history professor at the University of Tuzla, Philosophical Faculty

– Ms. Verica Stošić, senior researcher at the Archives of Republika Srpka, Banja Luka

– Book author, Ms. Anisa Hasanhodžić thanked to the book presenters, to the organizing and host institution from Banja Luka and its directors, mr. sc. Bojan Stojnić and Đorđe Mikeša, and to the numerous visitors.

At the beginning of the presentation, many media reporters where there such as Glas Srpske and RTRS (Radio television of Republika Srpska) and they have interviewed the book author Ms. Hasanhodzic.

The leaflets about the project were distributed to the visitors.

The authors and the organizers were satisfied with the book presentation. The comments of the present visitors, where also positive, and the most of the visitors used the possibility to leave their information in order to receive the book.

The visitors present at the book presentation were from different target groups including the members of the cultural, educational and political institutions, journalists, as well as the Holocaust survivors and other members of the Jewish community, and also to mentioned the members of the Academy of Sciences of the Republika Srpska, and not to forget the members of the Jewish municipality of other towns in Republika Srpska that were portrayed in the book (e.g. Derventa).

After the book presentation a cocktail and a small buffet was organized, which gave the opportunity to answer additional questions of the visitors and to discuss further cooperations (in particular with the Archives of Republika Srpska).